London Got Bombed at Dusk–by Poetry

Helicopter drops 100,000 poems on London

See on Scoop.itPoetry On the Sidewalk

London was bombed last night, by helicopter, right along the south bank of the Thames. Nobody was hurt, thank heaven, or thank the muses, because it was not explosives, but poems that rained down on the city. Read the whole story in the attached article from the Huffington Post.

Seriously, why do we not reach out and smack each other with art more often? What’s going on in your corner of the world to bring poetry to the streets?

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15 Comments Add yours

  1. GrayFoxDown says:

    Those Londoners are nuts, I could tell you that from personal experience. (Just kidding!!!)


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Haha, no wonder I like them!


  2. Ian Moone says:

    What a fantastic idea plus they have a practical use as bookmarks


    1. sonofwalt says:

      I know, isn’t that cute? 🙂


  3. The Poetry Parnassus in London is said to be the world’s largest poetry event ever.

    Doing things in a small way here: did you read my post about the Bolton Arts Trail?


    1. sonofwalt says:

      No! I missed that one. I just went back to find it and am reading it now. 🙂


  4. cooper says:

    and your background foto looks awfully familiar….thanx for stopping by…


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Yup, that’s Northumberland and Sunbury down there, at the meeting of the two branches of the Susquehanna. 🙂 I enjoy your blog. Good for the soul!


    2. cooper says:

      Thanx. I use to live in Norry…and Sunbury for that matter. Can’t miss it even from the air!


    3. sonofwalt says:

      Yeah, that photo was just from a phone at the top of Shikallamy Lookout. I need to find a better photo.


  5. Cynthia Ann Katon-Alfonso says:

    Welcome those poetry bombs! Let it rain words and awesome thoughts!


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Go Poe!

      Sorry. . . I don’t know what that means. I just got excited there for a second. But it sounds cool, doesn’t it?


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